Sunday, January 27, 2013

Out and About in the State Park

The weather here in Laredo, Texas is very warm.  Today, Sunday Jan. 27th it is currently 85 degrees at 5:20 p.m.  The following pictures were snapped by Dave  while we rode our bikes around the park.

View from campground across Lake Casa Blanca  into the City of Laredo

Fishing Pier.  The water in this lake is not down like the other Texas lakes

Prickly Pear Cactus

Old historic building that is closed.

Picture of our site in the campground

Larger picture of the campground

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Made it to Laredo, Texas

 On Wednesday Jan. 23, 2013 we left Lake Corpus Christi State Park  Mathis, Tx. at 11:00 A.M.and arrived at Lake Casa Blanca  Laredo, Tx. at 2:30 P.M.  This is a beautiful park.  We are in sight 107 with sewer connection!!  So we have changed our plans to stay here until Feb. 6th.  (2 weeks)

These oil storage tanks were everywhere along the route.  But we did not notice any derrick like pumps pumping to fill them

Entrance to park. Dave is in heaven---- a major airport is directly across the street.  We can see the FedEx planes from the lake.

This is camping spot 107

Dave is setting the trailer up.
Dave is setting up our wireless weather station

and The Travels Continue......

Monday, January 21, 2013

Geocaching and Groceries

Started Monday off by trying to locate two geocaches in the park.  The first one was hidden in this bird feeding area.

Dave and Misty poising by some Texas flowers.

This was the first geocache hidden at the bird feeding station.

This was the second geocache hidden on a trail by CCC pavilion

Finally a cardinal at my bird feeder.
  After lunch we drove into Mathis and bought groceries at H.E.B. Grocery.  On Tuesday we will drive back to Orange Grove to do laundry.  The travels will continue on Wednesday with a drive of 120 miles southwest to Laredo.  We will being staying at Lake Casablanca State Park for four nights only.  We will not have sewer hookup.  So I call it going from RVing back to Camping.  We will be walking to the shower to save grey water storage on our tanks. Weather is still very nice here - 74 degrees today and sunny.  The travels will continue.....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What's Been Happening at the Campground

The weather here in Mathis, Texas has been beautiful.  It is 69 deg. at 11:09 A.M. this Sunday, Jan. 20th.  We have just been hanging around the park.  Here are some pictures.  You can make pictures larger by putting your mouse on the picture.
On Friday after breakfast, we looked out our windows and saw the deer.

Misty says "Alfreda could you find me a bigger stick?"


Men fishing on the lake.  You do not need a fishing license in any Texas State Park.

On Friday, David said "I'm going to replace by bottom bracket bearing because it was making a noise"  Well that did not fix the noise.  I spoke up and said "Maybe its that brand new pedal?"  And wouldn't you know it I was right again!!!!!

Just picture of the camper.

Bird feeder but no birds.  In the park you can see Green Jays.  They are very pretty.

Neighboring campers.

More neighbors

Dave and Misty using her "One Running Dog - Tow Leash".  He lets her run 1-2 miles.  Then he puts her into the bugger.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day on the Bay Corpus Christi, Texas

Today was finally sunny and warm.  We decided to drive south 30 miles to the city of Corpus Christi.  The city created a 30 mile "Hike and Bike" Bay trail.  What a visual difference in the economy of small country communities and larger coastal prosperous towns.  The reason "OIL", refineries are everywhere.  Not to mention Wind Turbines as far as the eye can see.

Following pictures will show the many interesting aspects of the "Bay Trail"  We rode our bikes and then also walked some of the trail.  There were marinas, playgrounds, skateboarding area for extreme sports, water features and plants for Alfreda.  Shrimp boats and aircraft carrier (USS Enterprise) for Dave.  The saltwater bay for Misty.

Individual unisex restrooms.  Dave said they are like prison cells all stainless and very small.

Freeway into Corpus Christi

Gold Coast road beside the Bay

Bay Trail water feature No dogs allowed in water.

Misty in the saltwater bay

The land of the rich

Forrest Gump returning home

USS Enterprise
While we driving around town, landscaping crews where still hard at work here in  January.  And The Travels will continue......

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday was Chore Day

 Washers cost  1 dollar.  Dryers .25 for 8 min.

The state of Texas is burying a pipeline in this area.  That is way the owner has this sign.
Inside the laundromat.

Picture of downtown life in Orange Grove.

After we did the laundry, we went to the Lowe's Grocery store across the street.  When were camped at Goliad State Park, the town also had a Lowe's Grocery.  In that store,  they actually had pinatas for sale. On Thursday, we are driving down to Corpus Christi, Texas about 30 miles south.  The travels continue.....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

More Campground Pictures from Saturday

Here is some more pictures from Sat.  This day was warn 81 deg. Since then the cold front came and dropped temps. to highs of low 40's and cloudy.  But today Wed. Jan. 16th it is back to sunshine.

This is a shelter that people can stay in.  They had these at Goliad also.  The shelters have elect. and concrete floors.

This a mockingbird on our bugger.

Armadillo in the campground
Misty just loves the water

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lake Corpus Christi State Park, Mathis Tx.

Arrived at the park on Wed., Jan. 9th will be here until Jan 24th.  The weather has been really nice.  On Sat. it was 81 but a cold front came and it is cloudy and a high of 55 today. On Thursday, I groomed Misty out on the picnic table.

This is our camping site #28

This is just an old pavillon built by the CCC

David and Misty are actually standing in the boat ramp.  This picture shows how low the lake is.  On Monday we will drive into Mathis and pick up our  mail at the post office.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Walked to the Hanging Tree

Sunday, Jan. 6, 2013

This is the beginning of the trail to town.
This is Goliad town center.  One tree on right is the Hanging Tree.

Notice the tree is in the middle of the road.

If you can make it out, this is a piano sitting outside the store.

Took a morning walk into town of Goliad to see "The Hanging Tree"  They actually hung men from this tree in the 1800's.  The walk round trip from camp site was 2.8 miles.  Weather is very nice today.  Sunny and 62 deg.  On Monday we are driving to Victoria just to do shopping and errands,  Supposed to rain Tuesday and Wednesday.  We are leaving Wednesday morning for Lake Corpus Christi State Park.  Going to try and insert some pictures from our walk today.  Also we drove over to another historic landmark "Presidio La Bahla"  The Fort by the Bay.  Which housed soldiers that protected The Mission which is located in the campground.