Wednesday, January 16, 2013

More Campground Pictures from Saturday

Here is some more pictures from Sat.  This day was warn 81 deg. Since then the cold front came and dropped temps. to highs of low 40's and cloudy.  But today Wed. Jan. 16th it is back to sunshine.

This is a shelter that people can stay in.  They had these at Goliad also.  The shelters have elect. and concrete floors.

This a mockingbird on our bugger.

Armadillo in the campground
Misty just loves the water


  1. Hi guys, I'm trying to leave you a comment. As you know, my computer skills leave something to be desired. I am so glad you started your blog. It keeps you more in touch. This is my fourth attempt so let me know if you see this. I may have to resort to the phone to talk to you.

    1. Byron It looks like a reply on our blog can only be done by using this blog site. Actual email addresses are not given out.
