Thursday, January 24, 2013

Made it to Laredo, Texas

 On Wednesday Jan. 23, 2013 we left Lake Corpus Christi State Park  Mathis, Tx. at 11:00 A.M.and arrived at Lake Casa Blanca  Laredo, Tx. at 2:30 P.M.  This is a beautiful park.  We are in sight 107 with sewer connection!!  So we have changed our plans to stay here until Feb. 6th.  (2 weeks)

These oil storage tanks were everywhere along the route.  But we did not notice any derrick like pumps pumping to fill them

Entrance to park. Dave is in heaven---- a major airport is directly across the street.  We can see the FedEx planes from the lake.

This is camping spot 107

Dave is setting the trailer up.
Dave is setting up our wireless weather station

and The Travels Continue......


  1. Way to go guys!! I like your campsite. Looks like there are no close neighbors. I can't wait to see pics of Laredo. It looks sort of arid to me. Do they get much rain? I didn't know you were into geocaching. I think it would be fun. When did you get the weather station? I'm not at all surprised you have one. I know Dave loves to be informed. Take care of your selves. I'll give you a call after the 29th. I'm out of cell phone minutes.

    1. Hi Byron: You gotta like the weather down here this time of year. Yes it is arid.. Wx station a few weeks ago. We have had to run the air conditioner the last couple of days. But it cools off at about 5:00PM. So makes for nice sleeping wx. We go Geocaching when we have exhausted all the hiking and biking trails. Lake Casa Blanca is quite the fishing hole. I may get my rod out before we leave. Take Care Dave.
