Saturday, January 5, 2013

Camping at Goliad

Jan. 5, 2013

Happy New Year to Family and Friends.  This is my first attempt to create a blog  on our travels.  We are currently at Goliad State Park in Goliad, TX. 

 On Wednesday we will travel still south to Lake Corpus Christi, TX. and will stay there two full weeks.   We have enjoyed this park.  It has plenty of Texas History.  Last Sat. we took a tour of this mission.  The weather is warm 43 at 9:30 A.M.  Rain has stopped.  Hoping the sun will shine later for a bike or hike.  Dave, Alfreda and Misty Leister.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys! This is my first time to comment on a blog, any blog! Sadie set me up and this is the third time I've writen, so maybe..... Any how, I'm glad you started this, it somehow makes you guys feel closer. Keep up the good work. I love the pics. Have you seen any javelinas yet?
