We made it to the state park around 1:30 p.m. today, Wednesday Feb. 6th 2013. Dave took one picture today at a picnic stop for lunch. The river is the Rio Grande and the land on the other side is Mexico. This park is situated near Falcon International Reservoir. The inflow of the reservoir is the Rio Grande and the outflow of the reservoir is the Rio Grande. That means that one side is Mexican and one side is American. We are camping in campsite #230 with full hookups. Very sunny and warm here. It is 72 at 7:37 p.m.. We are using the air conditioning.
This was the road side rest showing the Rio Grande and the land beyond is Mexico |
Entrance to the park |
Dave setting up camp at site #230 |
Picnic area for our site. |
The camping sites are close together. The sewer connection is on the wrong side. While eating supper I saw a roadrunner, hope to get a picture of them before we leave. Yes, there are javelina. Locals say that there is a group of thirteen javelina. And The Travels Continue....